Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today's Show

Today's guest on Local Seasons will be Jerry McGeorge from Organic Valley. It was a very interesting conversation that I think you will find informative and enjy.

I'm Back......!

I had pretty much ignored the blog for a few weeks. I got so busy that I got behind. Also trying to help get a house cleaned out to sell.

The show is going well, but could still use some more advertisers. As with all radio, if you guys want the show to stay on, we need the advertisers.

I am also working on a magazine to go with Local Seasons. It will most likely be online at first, and then if we get print demand, we'll go that route as well.

Anyone from NY who still wants their farms, markets, or locally made products listed in the NY Local Seasons books, you still have time to get your requst in.