Monday, April 29, 2013

Books to be Released in May

I am happy to announce that the following 2 books from my Backyard Farming series will be released the end of May. They may be found at all major bookstores, Amazon or through the publisher. Independent bookstores may contact as well if interested in carrying.

Starting the Salad Garden

Just purchased a flat of pansy yesterday for the salad garden. I don't usually like to purchase annuals, however I will make an exception when it comes to edible flowers. The pansies can be used in salads, as an edible garnish, even as cake decorations. As it is a rainy day today, these will be going in sometime tomorrow.

If you've always like the looks of annuals. but can't justify the cost for only one year of use, consider edibles. Tomorrow, I will be posting a list of some of the edible flowers.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One More....

Just completed the first draft for another book. Check out my Facebook Fan Page for information on the first two, "Vegetable and Herb Gardening" and "Chickens" being released in May. If you have never gardened or had chickens before, these will be the perfect primers.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DId the Dandys

As I posted earlier, I was going to try dandelion greens once again. this time picking the small, young leaves. Normally, I have not been able to find a way that I like them This time...SUCCESS!!!

I made my typical angel hair pasta with garlic and oil (Capelli d'angelo con aglio e olio). I did a quick fry of the greens in a light oil with a little salt. I then added to the pasta dish and sprinkled with my favourite pasts cheese, Pecorino Romano (a sheep's milk cheese). That was it! The combination I have been looking for that would finally let me eat dandelion greens. But.....forgot to take a picture.

Trust was sooo good.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dandelion Greens

I noticed that the dandelion greens are coming out. Usually, they are a little too bitter for me, but I never tried them when they were this early and young. Will be picking some tomorrow to give them a try.
 Stay Tuned..........

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Re-purpose: Create a Mini Greenhouse

Help protect seedlings, cuttings and give them a protective boost. Re-purpose a used plastic soda bottle into a mini greenhouse. Simply cut the bottom  off of the bottle, put it carefully over the seedling or cutting (in the ground or in a pot) and sink it into the soil enough so as to allow the bottle to stand upright without falling over.

Should it get a little too warm in the bottle, unscrew the cap to let some air in. Then, screw the cap back in place later on. Or, remove the bottle for a bit, then replace it a few hours later or before nightfall.

Works great, and is reusable year to year.

                             This is an example of a mini greenhouse housing a fig cutting.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The collards are begining to sprout already. I can't wait until weather turns so they can go out.

Tried to get a photo but sprout is too small yet to show up.