Monday, July 29, 2013

Planting Sweet Potato

I planted some sweet potatoes in large pots the other day. Really quite easy, as the photos show.

I will be looking for fingerling size from these pots.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


There will be more online workshops being offered. I will be posting a listing with courses offered, times, dates and fees.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

RV Garden Revisited

NAll the rain has been a bit rough on the plants, but they are not doing too badly. They are not quite to where they were last year growth wise, but it is just lucky that they have not been drowned out yet.

There were even some volunteers that returned from last year: lettuce and arugula. Although the arugula is a bit spindly, after cutting it way back a few times it seems to be coming back nicely.

The grape tomatoes are starting and the cukes are blossoming. The regular tomatoes are also blossoming as well. And although the eggplant is blossoming in my farm garden, it isn't cooperating yet at the RV. Peppers had little buds as well.

As you can see, I do pack the plants into this small space. But results in the past have been excellent.

Maybe after the rain, the plants will start growing a bit better.