I should have posted this picture earlier last month, but this was a tiny tree frog that I found in the yard, on top of some snow, the morning after we had a very warm day and evening. I found him on my way to the compost pile.
This little guy looked like a tiny statue sitting on a pile of snow. I wasn't sure if he was still alive or frozen to death, but seconds after he was in my hand, I knew for sure. I could feel him coming back to life in my hand, and he was moving by the time I got in the house. (I never did get to the compost that day.)
I put him in an old plastic cup with an open hole cover, and let the frog sit on the counter for a few hours, until it warmed up more outdoors and he warmed up more indoors. Then I released him by my woodpile, away from any snow but near a nice big evergreen.
So cute! And just the reminder I needed that Spring was on the way.
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