Sunday, May 29, 2016

Onion Chives

The onion chive blossoms are out and as usual, not disappointing in taste. Tried on this morning and it tasted just like a piece of fresh onion! I look forward to these every year.

Justice For Harambe

This situation made me sick. Parents can't bother to watch their kid and the Harambe, the only victim here, pays the price. Poor judgement on ALL sides! 

 I hope these parents are charged with whatever they can be hit with, including the death of this animal. 

Just a few weeks ago 2 lions were killed in another zoo (non US I believe) because some idiot wanted to commit suicide in the lion enclosure. And maybe it is time for the zoos to come up with a faster working tranquilizer to protect their animals from the idiots who go to visit. 

When will animals stop paying for human stupidity? What a waste.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dandelion Head Harvest

Harvesting dandelion heads today for seed. I want to have a controlled patch, so I thought I would go out and gather heads that have gone to seed. Because there is no dew this morning (meaning it will probably rain today), it was a good time to get the dry heads before the seeds scattered.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Garden "Re Use"

I like to recycle/reuse when possible. Sometimes creativity and other times the new use is staring me right in the face, as with this crappy old clothes rack that I found in the barn. It should be the perfect trellis support for my Japanese cucumber. It isn't pretty, but it should be getting covered in the very near future anyway!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Violet Time!

The wild violets that I leave in the garden at the 1840s Farm are coming in nicely. Unlike the violets you buy for the house, these flowers are edible. They can be candied, sugared, used in salads and as a garnish.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Freezing Dandelion Greens

I decided to go out and pick dandelion greens to bag and freeze. Not sure how this will work out, but I decided not to blanch them first before freezing, to try to keep them a bit sturdier when they thaw. I'm thinking the will be very much on the limp side, but as i would only put them in the garlic and oil where they will wilt some during cooking anyway (and they don't have to be pretty in the pasta dish itself), I'm thinking it will work out fine.

A little later I am going to try to make dandelion pesto from some freshly picked greens too!

I also picked some of the tight flower buds to maybe deep fry later on today if I have the time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Drying Dandelion Greens

Although I am not a big fan of dandelion greens, I actually do like them in angel hair with garlic, oil and chile, with a little peccorino romano.

However, the older the greens get, the more bitter they get. And it seems like as the season progresses, they get more bitter as well. So, I decided to try and dry some of the early, young, greens, just to see what happens. If it works out, I'll have to go out into the yard and harvest more!

If you want to see a picture of the dish, check out the "Throwback Kitchen" blog.

Interview with Business Innovators Magazine

An interview that I did with Business Innovators Magazine just came out yesterday. Check it out at:

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Onion Tops are Done

The first batch of young wild onion tops are dried and packaged. I left this bunch whole, but the next will probably be chopped afterwards and stored in a spice jar. I use them just like chives and store out of the light so they don't lose their color.