Thursday, February 4, 2021

Planting Today

 Although it has been cold, I have been able to do some planting here in SW Florida. Today, I put in a Coffee bush and a fig tree in for my mom at her house. These plants can both be found all over the country, and can be planted even in cold areas, although how you do it, will depend on where you live. 

Coffee, although a fun plant to think about having, is a tricky one. Of course, anywhere it is cold and actually has a winter, you can't plant it outdoors in the ground. However they can be in a container. I have found, however, that when potted, they are a super fussy plant, and don't like to be moved from spot to spot. So if using it as a house plant, I would suggest to find a spot that it likes and leave it there. I found out the hard way. 

The fig also can be found all over the country, but you will need to do some research as to the best one for your area. I have seen many figs successfully grown in the north in containers. They go outside in the late spring, summer till early fall, then brought indoors for the winter. My Dad said that when he was a kid in NYC, one of his uncles planted a fig tree outdoors, but wrapped it every winter in burlap to protect it against the elements, and was quite successful with it. 

A really nice thing about the fig, is that it easily starts from cuttings. So if you know anyone who has a fig tree, see if you can get a cutting, at least 8". I had success in starting cuttings by just sticking them in a pot full of soil, putting a soda bottle (with the bottom cut off) over the top of it, using it like a small greenhouse, and letting it do its thing. It was a pretty much "never fail" technique for me. Once established and rooting, you can then put into a larger pot as it grows or plant the fig in the garden or yard. (As soon as I find my photos, I will add to the page!)




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